Headquartered in the Memphis, Tennessee, area, Premium
Sales & Service (PSS) began operations in 1998
catering to the national hospitality industry in the
areas of odor control and air quality. From air
quality it was a natural progression to other
environmental areas and issues. Since the
company moved to Arkansas in 2001, the emphasis has
been on issues that are inherent to that state,
but have implications in practically every locale.
the focus has been on the development of products that
improve the efficiency of waste water treatment
(Bio-Augmentation), and products that improve the
quality of chicken litter (Bio-Mediation). The
proprietary products are developed and marketed by PSS/EAS Services.
The protocols for their use are unique and innovative
to their markets, the results are impressive. EAS Services
with its staff of biochemists and support personnel
are continuously upgrading their products and
procedures with the goal of anticipating the demands
of the ever-changing market.